AIRS has posted four new student opportunities:

AIRS 4th Annual Meeting is tentatively scheduled for   Wednesday August 22  to Friday  Auguust 24, 2012 and will take place  at the University of Prince Edward Island.  Co-investigators, collaborators, students and partners... Please plan to attend this exciting event that will represent the consolidation of 3 1/2 years of activities and the milestones achieved. The Policy and Planning Committee meeting will take place on Tuesday evening, August 21 from 6:00 to 9:00.  There will be a student workshop  on Tuesday focusing on Methodologies in Singing Research.  August 22nd will entail an overview of all aspects of the project, presented by the AIRS Executive including Director, Theme Leaders, and Sub-theme leaders of each of the themes of Development, Education, and Well-being as well as the other committees (Global Group,  Student group, Ethics Committees)!  A workshop on methodologies in singing research will be presented on August 21st.



AIRS staff are working towards providing the results of Project research, so that information and research findings can be shared amongst the researchers and interested individuals.  Please direct any questions or comments regarding the AIRS Web site to the AIRS Information Technology Coordinator. Contact information can be found on our Contact AIRS page.