From Portugal: Nesta Rua

Nesta Rua Notation and Melody


Nesta rua, nesta rua tem um bosque (On this street, on this street there is a forest)
Que se chama, que se chama solidão (That's called, that's called loneliness)
Dentro dele, dentro dele moraum anjo (Inside it, inside it lives an angel)
Que roubou, que roubou meu coração. (Who stole, who stole my heart)
(Repeat previous two lines)

Se eu roubei, se eu roubei teu coração (If I've stolen, if I've stolen your heart)
Te roubaste, te robaste meutembém (You've stolen, you've stolen mine too)
Se eu roubei, se eu roubei teu coração (If I've stolen, if I've stolen your heart)
É porque, é porque te quero bem. (It's because, it's because I love you)
(Repeat previous two lines)

Se esta rua, se esta rua fosse minha (say: ming-yah) (If this street, if this street were mine)
Eu mandava, eu mandava ladrilhar (I would order, I would order it tiled)
Com predrinhas, com predrinhas de brilhante (With pebbles, with diamond pebbles)
Parao meu, parao meu amor passar. (So to see, so to see my lover pass)
(Repeat previous two lines)

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