• Wladyslaw Cichocki

    Wladyslaw Cichocki's picture
    Affiliation: University of New Brunswick
    Research interest

    Linguistic variation in Acadian French; Multidimensional models of phonological variation (prosody); Quantitative methods in linguistics; French second language acquisition

  • Sandra E. Trehub

    Sandra E. Trehub's picture
    Affiliation: University of Toronto at Mississauga
    Research interest

    Infants' and children's perception of music, infant-directed speech and singing

  • Frank A. Russo

    Frank A. Russo's picture
    Affiliation: Ryerson University
    Professional background

    Ph.D. in Psychology, 2002; post-doctoral fellowships in music cognition and hearing science; founded the SMART (Science of Music, Auditory Research and Technology) lab at Ryerson, 2006

    Research interest

    Music Cognition; Hearing Science; Auditory Ergonomics; Assistive Technology

    Research interests relevant to AIRS

    Visual aspects of song production Mimicry in perception of song Eye gaze behaviour in perception of song Effectiveness of song vs. speech to regulate infant stress Use of song to support extra-musical learning

    Potential contribution to AIRS

    Methodology: Eye tracking, motion tracking, electromyography

    Expected benefit from the AIRS collaboration

    New collaborations that bridge together cognitive perspectives on music with education and well-being.

    Personal Web site

  • Petra Hauf (PhD)

    Petra Hauf (PhD)'s picture
    Affiliation: Department of Psychology, St. Francis Xavier University
    Professional background

    Currently I am an Associate Professor of Psychology and Canada Research Chair in Culture and Human Development at StFX, Antigonish, NS, and an Adjunct Professor of Psychology at Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada. Previously I have been an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Psychology, University of Frankfurt/Germany, and a Senior Research Scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Department of Psychology in Munich/Germany.

    Research interest

    Action understanding, infancy, cognitive development, social development, motor development, emotion understanding in infants, edevelopment of empathy, eye tracking in infants

    Research interests relevant to AIRS

    Parent-child interaction

    Personal Web site

  • Nathalie Henrich

    Nathalie Henrich's picture
    Affiliation: CNRS
    Research interest
    physiology and physics of human speech and singing

  • Helga Rut Gudmundsdottir

    Helga Rut Gudmundsdottir's picture
    Affiliation: University of Iceland, School of Education
    Research interest

    Music Education, Musical development, Music perception

    Primary Website


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