Project Director and Theme Leaders



Annabel J. Cohen, Professor of Psychology, University of Prince Edward Island,




1. Development - Leader: Petra Hauf, Department of Psychology, St. Francis Xavier University

  • 1. 1 Perception & Production

Christine Tsang, Department of Psychology, Huron University College.

Laurel Trainor, Dept. of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour; Director McMaster Institute for Music & the Mind;

  • 1. 2 Multimodal

Sandra Trehub, Professor Emerita, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto

Frank Russo, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Ryerson University

  • 1.3 AIRS Test Battery

Annabel J. Cohen, Professor of Psychology, University of Prince Edward Island


2. Singing and Education - Leader: Helga Gudmundsdottir, Department of Education, University of Iceland

  • 2.1 Learning to Singing Naturally

Helga Gudmundsdottir, Professor, Department of Education, University of Iceland

  • 2.2 Teaching Singing

Darryl Edwards, Director of Voice Program, Faculty of Music, University of Toronto

Carol Beynon, Vice Provost (Acting), School of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies, The University of Western Ontario

  • 2.3 Teaching Through Singing

Andrea Rose, Professor, Faculty of Education, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Jennifer Sullivan, Professor, Department of Psychology, St. Francis Xavier University, Nova Scotia

3. Singing and Wellbeing - Leader: Susan O'NeillFaculty of Education, Simon Fraser University

  • 3.1 Intercultural Understanding
Godfrey Baldacchino, Canada Research Chair in Island Studies, UPEI
Lily Chen-Hafteck, Music Education Coordinator, Department of Music, Kean University
  • 3.2 Intergenerational Understanding

Rachel Heydon, Associate Professor Education, U. Western Ontario

  • 3.3 Singing & Health Benefits

Laurel Young, Assistant Professor, Department of Creative Arts Therapies, Concordia University


George Tzanetakis, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Univsity of Victoria

Ichiro Fujinaga, Professor, School of Music, McGill University

Tom Germaine, AIRS, UPEI

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